Do you wish you could fix your car yourself? It is really not as hard as you would imagine to do simple auto repairs yourself. You will save yourself money and extend the life of the vehicle. Read these tips to learn about doing your own repairs.

Check the radiator regularly. Let the car run briefly, shut the engine, then open the hood. Be careful not to open your radiator if the car’s running. With a dipstick, check your radiator fluid. Before adding more coolant remember to mix it with water.

If you plan to take your car to the shop, do not leave anything inside the car. The mechanic might need to clean out the car before performing repair work, and your personal items could be lost. Remove everything from your trunk too.

Do you know the signs of a low quality mechanic? If they do not answer you directly, you may want to find someone else. If your gut feeling is that you don’t quite trust your mechanic, keep looking for one who inspires confidence in you and helps you understand the problems with your car.

It is possible to repair taillights and headlights that have burned out. Some vehicles have a simpler system than others, but you can save a lot by doing it yourself regardless of how complex your system is. See if someone you know can tell you how it’s done.

Wiper Blades

Pay attention to your wiper blades. If you see that the wipers aren’t cleaning effectively, a new pair is in your future. Your wiper blades should be replaced at least once each year.

Be sure you know how often the oil needs changing. Look at your car’s manual to see when the manufacturer recommends oil changes. It can vary a bit between different vehicles and cars go much longer between oil changes than they used to. But you must do them when recommended.

Keep your car washed during the winter. The winter damages your car more than any other season. All that salt and sand is a sure recipe for abrasion and rust. Just make sure you dry the car thoroughly before heading back out onto the roads to prevent icing.

Keep in mind that it’s not always safe to do some auto repairs. Ensure that you have help close at hand in case something goes wrong. Buy only the highest quality tools that will last and not break under pressure. This is very important for the tools that you use to change your tires. The jack has to hold the car up without any trouble while you are working on the underside of the car. Therefore a quality hydraulic floor jack combined with sturdy jack stands will keep you safe.

Check tire pressure each time you fill your tank. Check the tires to ensure nothing has become lodged within them. If you spot an issue, don’t put off getting it repaired. You don’t want to drive around with bad tires.

You don’t want to diagnose complex auto issues on your own. Keep in mind that you aren’t an expert. Vehicle repairs can be complicated. Let a repair shop do the diagnosing. Give your mechanic plenty of details on the issues you are encountering but do not diagnose the issue yourself.

Warranties are vital when your car gets fixed, particularly if your parts are expensive. A mechanic should be asked about if they know whether or not there’s a warranty on any of the parts they’re going to order. Find out how long the warranty lasts and ask for a printed version of the contract so you can review it.

It is quite common for customers to find out about additional issues when they pick up their vehicle from an auto shop. They do this to make you think you are getting a bargain. Look other places to determine if you can save money on the repair.

If you have a major issue that threatens safety in a new car, talk to the manufacturer. There may have been a recall on the car already, or one may be needed. With a new car, the problem will generally be covered by the warranty, and the dealer will fix it.

When you have a repair done, ask for the old parts back. This will prove that the repairs were actually done. For exhaust systems, this isn’t necessary. It’s easy to tell if the new exhaust system has been installed or not.

The windshield washer component of your vehicle should never be filled with water. Water might work sufficiently to clean the windshield, but the car’s system is meant to handle only washer fluid. Check your compartment when you can to be sure that it gets refills when it needs them. If it’s empty, top it up.

Your modern vehicle is designed to warn you when an issue arises. But, do not rely just on those. A bulb may burn out, or a sensor might malfunction, so you should also check your car manually for problems too.

Figure out if you want the dealer to work on your car or if you prefer an auto shop in your area. Dealerships are more expensive, but they offer specialized service for your type of car. Small independent garages are usually more affordable, but you need to make sure you are hiring a certified and trustworthy mechanic.

Do not be intimidated by doing your own auto repair. While it may be confusing at first, once you learn more about it, it isn’t hard at all. Keep this article in mind and review the tips if you need a reference. Auto repairs will become more accessible once you know more on this topic.
